Fast Reliable Cheap Internet

Slow internet? Worry no more!. As Touch IT we strive to be the best with loyalty, dedication and commitment. We provide high-speed downloads and bufferless work from home, online learning and video calls with family and loved ones. Our courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement.

Touch IT Networks is a company based in Mbabane, providing ICT unified communication solutions. Our service level agreements reflect our reputation for redundant and reliable IPT delivery from our Data Centers in Mombasa and Nairobi with our Network Operations Center in Mbabane monitoring our IPT deployments for min 99.8% uptime commitment we stand for. We have improved pricing models to make sure our ISP customers can double their IPT capacity at ease to provide better internet experience to their residential and business subscribers.

"Access to computers and the Internet has become a basic need for education in our society"
Kent Conrad

Connecting the unconnected is what we stand for:

Our dedicated Sales engineers have all the time to listen to your connectivity problems and new requirements to provide you with one of our products to fit your immediate needs or give you the solution to solve any of your connectivity problems today and for future scalability. We go all the way ensuring your entire network is optimized to the fullest ability to help grow your business bigger and better.

  • Fast reliable Connection
  • Affordable for all products
  • Tailor-made to suite customer requirement